Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Not all depressed!/ New Lights

So i am out of my little depressed mood for the most part. I am just giving it all to GOD, and whatever he wants to do with me is just fine.!! Infact its not just fine its great!!

I just got these New headlights for my car. They are call H.I.Ds which stands for High Intensity Discharge. They are 3x brighter than the regular lights, and looks so awesome,both on the car and the light on the road. Here are some pics.I am also selling them. I imported some of these kits from Japan. They are so sick.
Infact my headline pic here on my blog is a pic i took on 4th of july when I put these HIDs in just the headlights and not in the bottom fogs yet.

So leave me some feedback! so I dont get bored blogging and only blog once a month like some people.**cough cough***

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thoughts, dreams...

Need to talk, so why not blog it.
I dont know whats wrong with me lately, i've been going through alot, and thinking alot. I have lots of ideas but I feel like I cant express them. I dont know if you are following me? I am so ready. I want to be a part of something great. Something that changes live, and right now i feel like i can do more for Christ. I dont really have many other talents than with technology to extent. I was supposed to go to SAE(school of audio engineering), but it didnt work out because of financial reasons. So I honestlty don't know...
After seeing that Hillsong DVD tonight I know I want to do something in ministry,Lighting, Audio, recording. I am just so ready to dive in and devote my life to reaching others for God.

So this is why I kind of been quiet with people. So dont take it personal. Just a lot going on in my mind right now.

Just trusting God

Monday, July 21, 2008


I dont know what it was this weekend, but I wasnt myself. This weekend I felt like I wasnt doing anything right, or I wasnt good enough. I felt like no matter what I did and how I did it, it would not turn out ok with just about everything i did this weekend. I am not asking for a pity party, but its just how I feel. Some inspiring words or advice would be nice so feel free. thank you.

Friday, July 18, 2008


It is now 3:23 am on Friday morning. I just got back from seeing the first showing at MUVICO of "THE DARK KNIGHT". All i have to say is amazing. Thats all i am going to say because you need to see it and i dont want to give any of it away! I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also they had Anti Piracy officaials walking around
the theaters checking if anyone was recording with video cams. It was pretty crazy.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Green Room Song

So here it is...
...the "Green Room Song". This was a video I took Sunday 13th of July at Flamingo Road Church, Cooper City Campus. I thought it was pretty funny. But i didnt have my memory card in my camera so thats why its only a minute long! ENJOY.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

NEW VIDEO! Hillsong Conference 2008!

Highlights from the Hillsong conferences in Australia. Leeland also performed at the conferences which is surprising and awesome.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Being Green

Well I change the oil in my car after it starts to smell burnt and loses its viscosity. I usually gather a few oil changes stored in my garage and then take all the used motor oil to be recycled, which is then used to make synthetic motor oils and other oils. Well a certain person in my family decided to throw the oil in the trash can to be picked up by regular waste management truck. I tried telling him that its bad for the earth and that every little bit counts these days(we kinda fought on it,lol).When he told me he did that I got really heated.I don't know how someone can do that after all the media coverage about going green and helping our planet. I know its not a big deal to some. Probably a few years ago I would'nt care where the oil went, but in these days we have to take care of our planet, God's creation.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Crowd Blinders!!!!!

These blinders are pretty sweeeeeeeetttt!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New HILLSONG video!!!!

New video from their recent conferences in Australia!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Awesome Pics

Check Out these pics i took On 4th of July..It was a Haze filled night!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I've gotten kinda down lately. Business has dropped to rock bottom. No sales this week even with all the advertising. I've been praying and trying to trust God, but its so hard. I've been saying over and over in my head "My God is the God that provides."
Pray that God will help me and provide a way. I think a part-time or full time job is in the future for right now . If you have any hook ups let me know.