Saturday, July 12, 2008

Being Green

Well I change the oil in my car after it starts to smell burnt and loses its viscosity. I usually gather a few oil changes stored in my garage and then take all the used motor oil to be recycled, which is then used to make synthetic motor oils and other oils. Well a certain person in my family decided to throw the oil in the trash can to be picked up by regular waste management truck. I tried telling him that its bad for the earth and that every little bit counts these days(we kinda fought on it,lol).When he told me he did that I got really heated.I don't know how someone can do that after all the media coverage about going green and helping our planet. I know its not a big deal to some. Probably a few years ago I would'nt care where the oil went, but in these days we have to take care of our planet, God's creation.

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